HelpSpot 4.7.2

Written by Ian Landsman · 02.12.2021

Recent Requirement Changes

  • HelpSpot now requires at least PHP 5.6 or PHP 7
  • HelpSpot database requirements: MySQL based installations are now MySQL 5.6 or MariaDB 10.0.5

Security Fixes

  • This release contains two critical security fixes. The details of these will be released on to the public on Feb 6th, 2018 in order to allow time for self-hosted installations to upgrade (CVE-2017-16755 and CVE-2017-16756). Please update your HelpSpot instances as soon as possible.

    • HelpSpot Cloud customers will be upgraded automatically
    • If you have customized the loginbar.tpl.php or js.tpl.php portal template files (most custom portals do not modify these files) you will need to update those files as directed here.


  • The public portal now contains options for adding a subject line and cc’d contacts when creating a request. These options can be turned on/off in Admin > Settings > Portal. If you have customized your portal templates you may need to merge in changes from the default templates. Read more about the template changed here.

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect header information is no longer displayed when quoting a private note.
  • Better cleaning of file names when converting database stored attachments to file system based attachments
  • Fixed “assigned to” > “logged in user” criteria in triggers so that they work as expected
  • Fixed bug where an email with only a plaintext version could not be parsed for tags such as ##forward:true## (even if added in the subject line).
  • Fixed issue with database server checks when doing a new install on SQL Server
Image of Ian Landsman
Ian Landsman
Ian founded HelpSpot in 2005 with the goal of making every interaction with your customers simple and efficient.
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