HomeUsers ManualResponsesResponses

8.1. Responses

Responses are predefined messages, available to Users when updating requests and/or responding to forum posts.

Responses can be created with stylized text (bolding, bulleted lists, etc.) and contain placeholder information, such as assigned Staff members' email addresses or request IDs. Additionally, specific actions can be tied to the use of a response (ie: changing categories, status, or assignment). As with the use of the response itself, the associated actions can be a huge time saver for Staff.

The page is broken out into a complete list of all active responses (click to edit each). Below the list is the form to add a response. Users will be required to define a name, location, and permission access for the response.


In selected areas, such as response creation, HelpSpot uses a formatting text mark-up to modify how text is displayed to end Users. The Formatting Options button opens a window listing the characters used to format text.


Users can include a number of auto-text placeholders in a response. HelpSpot automatically replaces placeholders with the appropriate information prior to sending. The list below contains all the default placeholders you can use. Additionally, if you use custom fields or secondary portals those will also add additional placeholders. (Note HelpSpot 4.x and earlier used the `##placeholder##` syntax for placeholders instead of the {{ $placeholder }} syntax).

{{ $requestid }} - Request ID
{{ $accesskey }} - Access Key
{{ $replyabove }} - "Reply Above" Text
{{ $portal_email }} - Portal Login Email
{{ $portal_password }} - Portal Login Password
{{ $customerfirst }} - Customer first name
{{ $customerlast }} - Customer last name
{{ $customerid }} - Customer ID
{{ $customeremail }} - Customer email
{{ $customerphone }} - Customer phone
{{ $status }} - Status
{{ $category }} - Category
{{ $urgent }} - Urgent
{{ $open_closed }} - Open/Closed
{{ $date_opened }} - Date Opened
{{ $date_now }} - Date Now (current date/time)
{{ $assigned_first }} - Assigned staff member: first name
{{ $assigned_last }} - Assigned staff member: last name
{{ $assigned_email }} - Assigned staff member: email
{{ $assigned_phone }} - Assigned staff member: phone
{{ $logged_in_first }} - Logged in staff member: first name
{{ $logged_in_last }} - Logged in staff member: last name
{{ $logged_in_email }} - Logged in staff member: email
{{ $logged_in_phone }} - Logged in staff member: phone
{{ $subject }} - Original mail subject line
{{ $initialrequest }} - Initial Request Note
{{ $orgname }} - Organization Name
{{ $helpdeskurl }} - Help Desk URL
{{ $requestformurl }} - Request Form URL
{{ $requestcheckurl }} - Request Check URL
{{ $knowledgebookurl }} - Knowledge Book URL

Don't forget you can always insert placeholders from the list just below the response box when creating or editing a response.

Request Actions

Users can expand the power of the response by defining specific actions to be taken on the request when responses are applied. Actions can range from updating a category or status to adding a private note. Any actions taken as a result of a request, will be logged within the request history.

Reoccurring Requests

Responses can be optionally turned into reoccurring requests that create new requests at a specified interval.

Knowledge Tags

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